About the SAC
4.9 square miles (20%) of Cannock Chase has the designation of Special Area of Conservation (SAC). It is one of the best areas in the UK for European dry heath and is the most extensive in the Midlands region.
Special Areas of Conservation are designated for their international importance, all of Cannock Chase SAC is also Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for species of national importance. Designations for the SSSI vary across the Chase however the SAC is designated for being a prime example of European Dry Heath with contributory factors of Valley Mire and Ancient Woodland. The areas of the SAC can be viewed on our interactive map .
Worldwide, heathland habitat is rarer than rainforest. The biome (distinct geographical region with specific climate & vegetation) for the heathland we have on Cannock Chase, is limited to the western edge of Europe from Norway to Portugal and all of the UK. The UK is home to 20% of Europe’s heathland (despite only being 2.4% of Europe’s land mass), the RSPB believe that we have lost 80% of that in the last 200 years.
Location of Lowland heath in the UK (Natural England 2002)
Widely considered a habitat that is irreplaceable, the designation of Special Area of Conservation puts demands on landowners to protect it and Local Planning Authorities to ensure that their planning decisions do not adversely affect it.
The Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation Partnership consists of seven local planning authorities, landowners and advisory bodies. The role of the Partnership is to mitigate the effect of rising population numbers in the 15km Zone of Influence and subsequent rise in recreation on the SAC by delivering a programme of capital works and public awareness, engagement and education projects.
Examples of these include;
The development of the Cannock Chase Code , Chase Creatures Trail , Future Guardians Project , Dogs on the Chase , Heath Week .
The delivery team consist of a Project Officer, Engagement Officer and two seasonal Engagement Wardens. Reach them at cannockchase-sac@staffordbc.gov.uk
To find out more about the implications for development in the Zone of Influence around the SAC please visit your local Planning Authority’s website.
Published Reports relating to the SAC Partnership;
Cannock Chase Botanical Survey (C) Arvensis Ecology 2025
SAC Partnership Memorandum Of Understanding 24 October 2022
Cannock Chase SAC Planning Evidence Base Report Stage 2 2021
Public Consultation Responses Report 2020
Cannock Chase SAC Cannock Chase Site User Strategy 8 Oct 2019
Cannock Chase SAC Detailed Implementation Plan Car Park Strategy 8 Oct 2019
Evidence Base For Strategies Cannock Chase SAC 2018
2018 Cannock Chase Visitor Survey Report Cannock Chase SAC 2018
Cannock Chase SAC Planning Evidence Base Review July 2017
Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Impacts Mitigation Report 2012
Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Survey 2012
Cannock Chase Visitor Observation Study 2012
Impacts Of Recreation On Cannock Chase SAC 2012
Evidence Base Relating To Cannock Chase SAC 2009
Cannock Chase SAC Local Plan Habitat Regulations Assessment Addendum