Dogs and Livestock
Please keep your dog on a lead if you enter a grazing area
It is a legal requirement that dogs are kept on a lead around livestock.
Please keep a safe distance and don’t approach or feed.
Cattle can be found in some areas of Cannock Chase, to help restore heathland habitats in an environmentally friendly way.
Conservation grazing is an important tool to look after Cannock Chase’s internationally important area of heathland habitat.
Grazing with cattle is a sustainable way of preventing scrub and small trees from dominating the heathland and encourages flowering plans and insects.
Heathland as a habitat is rarer than rainforest on a global scale.
20% of Europe’s Heathland is in the UK (the UK makes up approximately 0.05% of Europe).
Nationally we have lost 85% of UK heathland in the last 200 years . (CPRE)