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Iconic Insects and Incredible Invertebrates

The amazing diversity of invertebrates and their role in ecosystems and our survival as humans mustn’t be underestimated.

They pollinate our food crops, break down dead matter and are vital for the survival of many species.

Yet, in the UK, there has been a dramatic decline in their numbers and diversity since 1970’s. Invertebrates such as insects, spiders and millipedes have been found on average in 13% fewer places now than in 1970.

These declines have come about through:-

  • Changes in farming , leading to destruction of habitat
  • Heavy use of pesticides and herbicides
  • Urbanisation
  • Habitat effects of climate change

Cannock Chase has a fantastic diversity of invertebrates, some of them highly colorful, unusual and uncommon.  Yet, there has been a marked decline in their numbers in the last 50 years.

In 2025, we will be running a range of activities for all ages to learn about the Invertebrates we have in Cannock Chase.

We will kick off with a special stand at Staffordshire Invertebrate Fair, Staffordshire University, Stoke on 1st March.


Different ways you can become involved, learn more about Cannock Chase Invertebrates.

As we develop the project there  are many ways in which you can become involved.  Such as:-

Also of interest

Bog Bush Cricket Credit Frank Vassen Scaled Aspect Ratio 1160 500

Discover Iconic Insects

Learn about the key iconic insects of Cannock Chase

Iconic Insects of Cannock Chase

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Ways in which you can help with surveys for insects

Get Involved to help Cannock Chase Invertebrates

Welsh Clearwing Janet Graham 2.00 Attribution Original Size

Insect Week

Insect Week activities

Insect Week 23rd June – 29th June 2025

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Book a insect assembly/ other opportunities

Iconic Insects – Opportunities for Schools