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Guidelines for Scouting and Guiding Groups on Cannock Chase

What is Cannock Chase SAC and National Landscape

Cannock Chase National Landscape is incredibly important. 4.9 square miles (20%) of Cannock Chase has the designation of Special Area of Conservation (SAC).  It is one of the best areas in the UK for European dry heath and is the most extensive in the Midlands region.  Worldwide, heathland habitat is rarer than rainforest!

Special Areas of Conservation are designated for their international importance, all of Cannock Chase SAC is also Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) for species of national importance.

Designations for the SSSI vary across the Chase however the SAC is designated for being a prime example of European Dry Heath with contributory factors of Valley Mire and Ancient Woodland. The areas of the SAC can be viewed on our interactive map

Cannock Chase is a special and fragile place that needs great care.  It faces a number of challenges ranging from the impacts of climate change to accidental harm caused by people who come to enjoy it.  The harm includes eroding plant life and disturbing wildlife by straying from paths and various anti-social behaviours from littering and starting wildfires to illegal mountain biking.  There is also a general lack of awareness of the area’s importance and special qualities, how fragile it is and what each of us can do to look after it and protect it for future generations.

The following video, will help you gain an understanding of pressures on Cannock Chase

Sustainability Matters with ecologist Mike Dilger – Cannock Chase AONB, are we loving it to death? 

Please follow the Cannock Chase Code during your visit.

Special Challenge Badge for scouting and guiding groups

Scouting and guiding groups can  learn and discover even more about Cannock Chase, then gain a special challenge badge!

Future Guardians of Cannock Chase Challenge Badge

Hiking with groups

It is fine to hike with your group, as long as you stick to designated footpaths and bridleways. Ensure that your group takes any litter home with them.

Wide Games

Wide games SHOULD NOT be carried out in any of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) land. Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) or Site of Biological Importance (SBI) Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM).  As this will damage the fragile habitats and species.

This therefore includes – Castle Ring and Gentleshaw Common,

Wide games can be carried out at: –
  • Birches Valley Forest Centre:
  • Cannock Chase Visitors Centre – Area around the playground/ Visitors Centre and the Camps
  • Milford Common
  • Beaudesert Outdoor Activity Centre

Survival Activities/ Bushcraft

Den building:


NOWHERE on CANNOCK CHASE – except at Beaudesert Outdoor Activity Centre (by arrangement).


Also of interest


Challenge badges for Scouting and Guiding Groups

Future Guardians

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Follow the Cannock Chase Code

Cannock Chase Code

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