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Cannock Chase Code

The internationally important landscape of Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) sits in the heart of England’s smallest National Landscape.

It is the largest remaining area of heathland in the Midlands, and is home to important and protected wildlife.

Protect • Respect • Enjoy

Also of interest

Feeding deer can make them unwell , please allow them to feed naturally.

Deer of the Chase

Observe and enjoy from a distance. Farm animals have carefully controlled diets to keep them healthy

Nobody enjoys seeing litter, please take it home. Dog poo changes the soil, plants and impacts the wildlife so please clear up after your dog and take it home.

Care for the Chase

Heather takes a minimum of five years to grow back following a fire. Please don't light fires or bring barbecues to the Chase.

Advice from the Fire Service

Please only use official cycle tracks and bridleways. This avoids disturbance to wildlife and damage to plants.

Mountain Bikers & Cyclists

Please always stay on bridleways, going off track can damage the plants and wildlife that makes the Chase special.

Horse Riders

Going off the paths can have a big impact on wildlife, and may force birds off nests and deer away from young.

Protecting Night Jars

The heathland is home to species of ground nesting birds so it is very important to always keep your dog on a lead during the nesting season (April - August)

Dogs in Heathlands

Parking in official car parks reduces the disturbance to wildlife and allows nature to thrive.

Car Parks Mapped

If we work together we just might help our home.

Walking is the Best Medicine

Let's all have our animal friends on our minds when driving.

Slow Please

There a pools and ponds across the Chase. Please stay away from water in order to avoid dangerous situations.